Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Purposeful Henna

    Today started off with two cups of coffee and breakfast on the rooftop of our Tangier hotel. At the time I thought coffee was the right move, but turns out it ruined my plan to sleep in the car ride to Chefchaouen. On the way we passed through the busy streets of Tangier where Liam and Peyton admired all the possible fast food places to eat. We also passed by a number of wind turbines, which directly relates to my renewable energy project. I was surprised by the number of turbines that were stationed throughout the mountains. For some reason it made me question if we were really in Africa. It’s pretty casual to see other energy sectors like power lines and small outhouses, but seeing renewable energy was new to me. We also passed a couple dams which could be tied back to hydropower.
     During the ride I sat next to Liam and Pey. I listened to them count out the number of mosques and Liam added, “seeing a mosque in Morocco is like passing Dunkin Donuts in New England.” I agreed and by the end of the ride Peyton and Liam totaled over 20.
     When we got to our hotel we had a little downtime consisting of me sitting in the sun trying to fight the urge to eat the cookies the hotel staff brought out. Once we got assigned our rooms, I of course took a nap, and then we headed out for lunch. We ended up at a place not far from the hotel that had an amazing view of the city!

     Following lunch we took a tour through the blue streets of Chefchaouen. We ended up stopping at an ATM and while waiting I made sure to check myself out in the bank window. After about a minute of staring at myself I realized there was a man inside watching me the entire time...definitely not embarrassing. He came out and continued to laugh as I bursted out laughing with Liv in the corner.

     One of my favorite parts of the day was our hike up to one of the Mosques at height of the city. Here we watched the sunset and listened to the call to prayer. I was actually able to sit by myself for a while and really soak in the culture and surrounding people. Don’t get me wrong, the hike up was tough! I was winded by the time I got to the top, probably because I only consumed fruit all day. It was definitely worth the struggle though. The view was amazing!!!

    We ended our day with one of the best dinners (in my opinion). I ended up ordering vegetables with couscous and some bean dip. It was pretty amazing and I would definitely recommend.
    In all, today was one of the funnier days of the trip. I got in a lot of laughs and also absorbed a lot of the surrounding culture.


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